Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 2014 Choir retreat

Our choir had an in-house retreat

Our meditation was brought to by Mrs Chang Wei Hwa
Focusing on WHYs

And the need to tap on agod like a 3A battery

We has a sumptuous buffet lunch 
Then the boys and girls were separated

William brought the men though some basic techniques

Warming up
Focusing on uniform vowel pronunciation
Picking out the vowels in a song
adding the constanants...

Zinnia zinned the girls.

By the way Eric had nice tulips for us: thanks Eric.

My comic book style notes .

Saturday, June 28, 2014

20140628 Crossing the Jabbok

Sermon topic: Crossing the Jabbock River
Dr Tan Lai Yong
Wesley Wesley Methodist Church
Saturday 28 June 2014
Text: Genesis 32

Crossing the Nijiang River is scary, terrifying.

Jacob was crossing the Jabbok
He was scared
He named the place "Mahanaim" which means Two Camps but there was only one camp!
There was a binary theme in his life.
2 daughters of Laban became his wives
2 flocks
2 groups coming to meet him
2 brothers
2 wrestling matches
2 times angels

He always sought to devide and conquer.

Problem: what was on his heart?

Chinese writing
Knife on heart: ren, endurance
Self on heart: ji: jealousy 
reason on heart: En: grace

Double amputee
Came to ask for two artificial legs so that when he walked into a brothel he would not be rejected.
He was looking for love but on the wrong way
(he was given the artificial legs)


An angel came to wrestle
Through wrestling with God (Prayer) God changes us.
Through wrestling Jacob was changed from Possessions to Stewardship.

Question to ask
Where is your heart?

Psalm 51:10

New International Version (NIV)

 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

We need to confront and deal with the many lies around us
Eg "the PSLE is the most important examination in your life. 
"If you don't do well, you're never going to make it."

Be an Israel
Be a God-Wrestler.

Handicapped girl on a picnic
Feeling downcast 
We are like the grass on the picnic site
Every one step on us
On the brighter side; if there is no grass there would just be mud.

Take home message as seen by su min

We can find release
Through struggle, wrestling, prayer.

To achieve obedience , stewardship.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

20140622 Life Change

Andrea stuck in the ball pool

Rev Joel Yong
22 June 2014
Life Change
aka How God's power comes

John 10:10
I have come that you have abundant life

But not all are experiencing the abundant life
Need change
Need U-turn.

For a car to U-turn
Need to apply brakes
Then apply accelerator.

Need to stop what is harmful
Need to start what is helpful

But this is not easy
Especially if you are stuck in a bad habit

Many stumble at the first rung of the ladder

We want proof before we start
Eg proof that dieting work
Eg proof that counseling work

But that is not how God works

Faith is living in advance what you will see in future

Nick Grumble
The ship is only safe in habour
But if you want to go anywhere you have to move out.

Exodus 14:13-14
Chariots were chasing the Israelites.
God says "Do not be afraid. Stand still."

Red Sea had not yet parted.
Nor did the Israelites know that it would.
Israelites were trapped.
Egyptians were advancing.
Yet God wants them to stand still!

Joshua 3:8
similar situation.
Enemies advancing.
"Take a few steps into the river and stop there"
They obeyed and the River Jordon parted!

John 2:7-9
at the banquet
The wine ran out
The servants were told to fill the jars with water and serve the guests.

It was while they obeyed that the miracle occurred.

Luke 17:14. 
The lepers were told
"Go and show."
And as they went, they were cleansed.
(It is not that they were healed then they went..)

As they went, power came along .

Why does God do this?
(Require us to obey Him without proof?)

2 Kings 5
Naaman and Elisha

Naaman had leprosy
Was told that Elisha could heal him.
Stopped outside Elisha's house.
Was told by messenger
"Wash yourself 7 times in Jordon River"

Naaman was angry
Bigger issue was pride
Prophet would not see him face to face
asked Naaman to wash in dirty river
Syrian rivers are cleaner

But it is not about the cleanliness of the Syrian rivers
But about the power of God

Naaman is persuaded to try washing in the Jordan
And indeed it works
He is cured of leprosy

And he believes!

"Now I know there is no God in the world except in Israel."

He even thinks Israel's dirt is better than Syrian dirt.

God's power had stripped away his pride.

Max Lucado tells how his daughter Andrea was collecting balls in a ball pool.
Andrea slipped and was at the bottom of the ball pool.
"Andrea" Max shouted "push down on the floor and you will be able to get up"
"I can't, my hands are full of balls" she replied.

What do we need to let go of in order to get up?

2 Cor 5:7
We live by faith not by sight.

Although the motto is faster, higher, better...
These achievements are mainly the result of better technology. 
Cinder track vs modern surfaces
Hole in cinder vs starting blocks...

If you truly want better you need God.

Pastor Joel was in his 3rd year university course when he felt called to full time service . He responded by applying for theological studies. Now he has been in ministry for the last 12 years.

Is God calling you to change?

Body weight?
     To mend?
      To break?
Join a small group?

Whatever the change
God is saying
I will give you strength 
Strength for the first step
Strength for the first day 
And the next 
And the next.

Will you take the step of faith
Will you change?

Sunday, June 15, 2014

20140615 Calling on the Father

Found with his head on the chair...

Wesley Methodist Church Singapore
Sunday 15 June 2014
Calling on the Father
Rev Philip Lim
Text John 17:11-26

The cross was looming
Jesus was facing rejection
being foraken
Yet Jesus takes time to pray
For himself
For his people
For you

Jesus prays for your
A) Development
B) Duty
C) Destiny

A) Jesus prays for your DEVELOPMENT
A farmer once put a growing pumpkin into a glass jar
The other pumpkins grew big round and healthy
The pumpkin in a jar was limited by the jar.

 What kind of jar are you putting yourself in?

Jesus wants you to be secure in Christ.
Depend on what God says you are for your value and worth.

Not on what others say,
not on what things you own or what clothes you wear.

Be contented.
Experience joy.

Happiness depends on circumstance.
Joy is rooted in the Lord
and is the work of the Holy Spiri.

Contentment is priceless.
1 Tim 6:6

Be protected
Be in the world but not of the world

Set apart as his witnesses

Resources are provided
Ability to win over temptation
1 Cor 15:57-58
Ability to win over the tempter.
James 4:7

Charlie & son
Charlie's son had just come out of an operation

Son said "Hold my hand daddy, I hurt so much".
Charlie held his son's hand.

Charlie was led to pray
"Hold my hand Father... I hurt...."

B) Jesus prays for our DUTY
For our agreement
For our unity

Disagree without being disagreeable
Do everything you do with a view to unity.

You and I are living advertisments/ witnesses to God.
Live in love

Duty for affection.

B) Jesus prays for our DESTINY.
we are destined to heaven

Prayer is just a matter of having a conversation with Jesus.

Called to a man's sickbed, pastor found an empty chair next to sick man.
"I dont know how to pray but my friend said just put a chair next to me and imagine Jesus is there, and talk to him."

Subsequently he died
Daughter said his head was on the chair

Perhaps he died with his head on the lap of Jesus

Friday, June 13, 2014

MIC 13 June 2014 Faith

MIC meeting Friday 13 June 2014

Ang Eng Hieang
On What is Faith
Faith comes from God
Faith is what God has done for us.

Faith will be tested .
Measured by your actions

God is not a vending machine

Trust in God

Monday, June 9, 2014

20140609 Trust

8 June 2014
Wesley Methodist a Church Singapore
Rev Raymond Fong
 Question of trust
Text : Gen 9:1-17

A) Does God trust us?

Resounding YES
The Noaic blessing was a threefold blessing
To multiply
Stewardship of all creation
Responsibility to protect life/ Accountability


Amazing Grace
Mankind had failed big time
Adam and Eve failed
Fear and Dread came between man and animals
yet God continues to trust

Even though we mess us
God continues to trust us

A flood has destroyed your world
You wonder- can you carry on?
God calls you by name
Calls you to repentance
Calls you for a second chance.

You might say
"But I can't trust myself"
God is saying
"Don't focus on yourself"

God is prepared to trust humans
Agai and again

Focus on his grace.

We can start again.
Are you afraid?
Out of your brokenness
Your addiction
Your sin
Seek reconciliation with God.

In the season of Pentecost
Let the Holy Spirit come upon you.

God trusts you to make good.

B) Can God be trusted?
A covenant is usually two way
You do this and I will do that.
Noaic Covenant is one way
The rainbow is there to remind God of his promise.

Prior to the Noaic covenant God's relationship with mankind was judgemental.
Never again will I destroy with a flood
After the Noaic covenant God's relationship with mankind is one of grace.

Yes God can be trusted.
The cross is a sign that God is willing to pay the price.
The Holy Spirit is a guarantee, a deposit.

What do you need to surrender
as you trust God?


Chrisian surrender is not giving up
Christian surrender is giving in to God.

I can not trust myself
I can trust God for a new start