Saturday, July 19, 2014

Thinking for a change

The Eagles at football.

Rev Joel Yong
Wesley Methodist Church Singapore
20 July 2014

Anthem : Panis Angelicus 
Soloist Lauren Yeo

Panis Angelicus fit panis hominum,
Dat panis coelicus figuris terminum.
O res mirabilis, manducat Dominum,
Pauper, pauper, servus et humilis.

Obstacles to life change
Pygmalion vs Golem

Pygmalion effect: greater expectations result in better performance .
Golem effect: lower expectation result in lower performance.

Students given IQ test.
Teachers given names of 20 said to have high IQ
After a year these 20 found to do well.
BUT their names had been choosen at random.

Thoughts determine deeds.
Rev Joel 
Bottom of class in Sec 2
Was told and believed
Unless you put your foot to the pedal you can't go
Studied and studied
Within a year reached near top of the class.

1) Don't let your yesterdays be a bondage

Eg Lot's wife
Longingly looked back expectantly at Sodom
"Good old times"

2) Don't let yesterday's give you an ingrained mindset

Having left Sodom and Gomorah
Lot lives in a cave with his daughters 
But the past licentious  incestous atmosphere of sexuality remained.
His daughters get him drunk in order to get pregnant by him.
They had an ingrained contaminated mindset, influenced by their yesterday.

3) Don't let your yesterday leave you with a narrow mindset,

Eg Israelites, free but hungry in the deser
Would rather be well fed slaves in Egypt.

Tunnel vision, microscopic view
Fail to see the big picture.

4) Don't let your yesterdays limit you:

Israelites saw the enemies as giants and felt like grasshoppers .
For their fear and failure , wandered in the desert for 40 years.

Fail to see, blinded, that you can do bigger things

One thing in common of these examples
Failure to reach destination
Failure to accomplish what God had wanted them to accomplish.

Our yesterday ended last night
"Yesterday" some church members were ugly
Late in registering for course/camp
Rude to staff/volunteers / Sunday school teachers 
Come with consumer mindset demanding to be served rather than wishing to serve.

Bury that yesterday
May there be a new tomorrow

Sermon Illustration
Rev Joel introduced football to a group of disadvantaged kids
Group of 28 grew to 100.

Team "eagles"
Entered under 16 competition
11+ year olds vs 15+

Held steadily to 0-0 at half time
Crowd cheered
Lost double digit but left field proud

Not influenced by their background but by what they decided to do.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The harvest is plentiful

Mission Sunday
13 July 2014
Wesley Methodust Church

Pastor Yeoh Seng Eng
Pasir Panjang Hill Bretheren Church

Text Luke 10:1-12

The "other disciples" were sent "two by two" to "prepare the way"

Jesus is coming soon
We are the "other disciples "
We are to prepare the way.

Three interesting points
A) Status update
B) Strategy
C) Strength

A) Status update
i) Harvest PLENTIFUL
ii) Workers FEW
iii) You may be REJECTED
iv) You may be ACCEPTED

Even if you are rejected, it is not you that is being rejected, but God.

B) Strategy
i) Go two by two
Or pair up with partners from other churches

ii) simplicity
Use what is in your hands
Moses used a stick
Seng Eng used dried flowers
Make greeting cards
Grew into a business to support 800 families
Odorless vegetarian pigs (feeding on  Azolla)

iii) seek man of peace

iv) heal the sick & tell of the kingdom of God

Care Channels used
Help them
Empower them
Dignified ways to get food on the table
These enabled connections with communities who are then willing to hear your message 

C) Strength
With God's power
All things are possible

Ministry to migrant workers in Singapore 
Lead to Telugu service
 15-20 baptisms a year
Some will return to Bangaladesh and serve as pastors/ missionaries.

On a trip to Dacca
Pastor Yeoh got seriously injured in a traffic accident
13 micro fractures and a haemothorax

Finally returned to Singapore: needed to be drained (twice)
During healing process felt an unsuall warm sensation on chest: touch of an angel.

Lord’s Day Hymn – “Facing a Task Unfinished”

By Frank Houghton, 1930

Facing a task unfinished,
That drives us to our knees,
A need that undiminished,
Rebukes our slothful ease,
We, who rejoice to know Thee,
Renew before Thy throne,
The solemn pledge we owe Thee,
To go and make Thee known.

Where other lords beside Thee
Hold their unhindered sway,
Where forces that defied Thee,
Defy Thee still today,
With none to heed their crying
For life, and love, and light,
Unnumbered souls are dying,
And pass into the night.

We bear the torch that flaming
Fell from the hands of those,
Who gave their lives proclaiming
That Jesus died and rose.
Ours is the same commission,
The same glad message ours,
Fired by the same ambition,
To Thee we yield our powers.

O Father Who sustained them,
O Spirit Who inspired,
Saviour, Whose love constrained them,
To toil with zeal untired,
From cowardice defend us,
From lethargy awake!
Forth on Thine errands send us
To labour for Thy sake.

(c) Overseas Missionary Fellowship

Friday, July 11, 2014

Church as community

MIC meet 
Friday 11 July 2014

Jason shared a summary of church camp teaching (Edmund Chan)

Church family 
Word based
Discipleship Community

Word based
Hearers and doers
Firm foundation
Foundation not seen except times of storms

The LKY tree stunted and unhealthy because roots could not grow

Church should be discipleship community
Salt to the earth
Light to the world

Discipleship needs to come from within
Unlike man who swam across shark infested pool only to ask
"Who pushed me"

Church united family
Three causes of tension

Need to work together
Think of one another 
Think of self
Think of responsibility 

Witness as a church family
Don't wait to go on mission trip

Taxi ride provides opportunities

Pray for Divine appointments

Take every opportunity

Not a parachute ministry 
But ministry in community
Be part of the community