This is photographer Henry Lim. And on Good Friday he shared with me something that spells out for me a nice "five loaves two fish" story; or rather a "half a loaf" story.
At Chinese New Year our church had an outreach service for "Chinese speaking" with TV personality Moses Lim sharing his testimony. We brought a Chinese speaking friend along, a dear friend who is comfortable in dialects but not English. We sat through the service even though my Chinese language understanding is poor, "half past six", as they say, and that is where my "half a loaf" comes in.
I don't really understand Chinese wel
but as I listened I found I could understand enough to take notes. This is my notes of that Chinese session
Yesterday Henry Lim the photographer told me that he was at that service and had shot a full 90 minute video. He had wanted to trim the video but in order to do so he needed to understand what was being said. And Henry said his command of Chinese language was practically non-existent. Then one of his friends pointed him to my blog and that was clear enough to help him edit his video.
So my "half a loaf of Chinese understanding" was taken and blessed by the Lord and multiplied to feed .. well hundred, if not thousands.
I felt so blessed to hear this from Henry Lim
The week before from Benny Ho on Malachi
A) God's unchanging love, unmerited and universal
B) on Worship
with heart of honour
life of authenticity
attitude of gratitude
C)Setting your heart
Honour the Calling by God to priesthood
Honour the Character of God
Honour the Covenant of marriage
D)Four phase of renewal
E) The day of the LORD
Retribution for the wicked
Reward for the righteous
Church to repent and return to God
Then from Holy Week I felt God love me so much
Palm Sunday: HOW do you respond to Jesus the Messiah
Holy Monday: Exposing barren lives:
Are you all show, no fruit?
Holy Tuesday: Exerting Authority:
Jesus is Lord or all or not Lord at all!
Holy Wednesday: Extravagant love
For Jesus , From Jesus
Maundy Thursday: Cup of love
Good Friday: Freedom
And I feel energized to live the abundant life by God grace
And AND today I get my name called out by Pastor from the pulpit
It was so funny.
We were early.
Pastor came around to say hello to early comers.
He says "Good morning" to every one when he shakes their hands
When he came to my turn he shook my hand in greeting and said "Good morning"
I replied "Good Friday" the same way I say "good morning".
He liked the idea
and smiled. "I was wondering what greeting to use this morning" he said "I am going to use this."
And he did! So after we welcomed the new comers it was time to greet our fellow church goers.
Pastor announced "Su Min said 'Good Friday' in greeting.
So turn to your neighbour and say 'Good Friday' ".
Not every day I get my name mentioned in church!
I think God was smiling with me!!