Sunday, February 23, 2014

MJC day one reading: ROAD

Above is my overall planning

Reading and listening today and jotting down what gets my attention .

I really appreciate listening to the audio; Bible.Is, NIV, dramatized version:

I listened though the passage three times
then again, taking brief sketch notes 

then going though the ROAD cycle

Finally it was the name of  Jesus that got my attention

(for you, each choir member will probably have a different passage speaking to you).

I pondered , thinking that Mary would have called Jesus her son in Aramaic , Jeshua which is "The Lord Saves" (Jeshua / Joshua).
The proper name Jesus /ˈzəs/ used in the English language originates from the Latin form Iesu of the Greek name Ἰησοῦς (Iēsous), a rendition of the Hebrew Yeshua (ישוע), also having the variants Joshua or Jeshua.

Application: identify different names/attributes of Jesus in the passage

Do: Adoration and praise!
Worship Jesus for who he is

(and for what he has done for me)

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