Sunday, August 17, 2014

Great adventure of witness

Tell your Story

Hang in there

Tell your two minute story
Earn the right to tell God's story

God so loved the world that 
he left you here.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Coping with Setbacks

White gloved hands doing magic....

MIC Andrew the speaker

MIC Andrew the musician with his ukulele

Setting up

Scribing gig: three greats and a wish;
1 GREAT: scribing with white gloves: a first for me: neat: will repeat.
2: GREAT: started spreading of my new Graphic Recording careen
3: GREAT: icons starting to look sexy
WISH: to be salt and light in the market place even through graphic recording

Note my colour pastels on the chair.
Markers and speaker note on the second chair.

Harvesting: listening for nuggets

Coping with setbacks
8 August 2014

Text Psalm 77

took my Neulands Number One Green for a test drive: liked it!

Response to Grief/ trauma / transition

Followed by confusion 
   Think there is no God
       Don't feel like praying
Followed by resolution

Joseph in Egypt many ups and downs
You meant evil against me
But God meant it for good

We at MIC are the walking wounded
run towards God
read rely on the Word

Difficulty in negotiating with difficult client/ boss

Difficulty understanding why good men suffer

Time on earth is like the red tip of a long long rope.

Best seen in the light of eternity.

God often saves us 

Speaker enjoying the chart

The whole chart

Cam Scammer squaring & magic white

Saturday, August 2, 2014

20140803 Trust Fall

The sermon tittle was "Trust Fall" and I thought of Niagra Falls, but instead of torrents of water pouring down, it was Trust and Grace that came pouring down.

But when I clarified with Wendy, it was one of those Human Resource/ Management games, where a person with eyes closed/ blindfolded falls backwards into the arms of the team members behind him/ her. This is a trust fall: you trust the person to catch you.

As a sermon illustration: Trusting God to do the needful, knowing no one else can!

Sunday 3 August 2014
Wesley Methodist Church Singapore
Bible text
1 Chron 29: 12-19
James 4: 13-17
Deut 33: 27

The images of crash site MH17 are horrific 
We here of a family all lost, save for a 17 year old son
Amongst the wreckage we see things people treasure

Also are things missing
That empty chair at the dining table
Unmet expectations
Unfulfilled dreams
Words that remain unspoken
I love you
I am sorry.

You do not know what your life will be tomorrow

The Lord is The Lord
You and I have little control of our destiny.

Case in point
25 years ago Wendy and her husband planned to migrate from UK to Singapore
Plans to do things themselves
God was not in the equation.

Gulf war broke out just as Mr Watson was flying BA thru Kuwait
Held hostage x5 months.

What do you do?
On her knees
Pleaded with God.

God if you are God
Release my husband and I will serve you for the rest of my life.

Fast forward to 10 years ago
At beginning of serving at Wesley Methodist Church
Sat in pew reflecting
God says
"It is not by mistake that you are here.
It was I who delivered you.
It was I who walked alongside with you in the valley of the shadow of death.

Always remember who you are
always remember whom it is you serve"

And God says the same to each of us today.
Remember who you are
Remember whom it is you serve.

Yet we are control freaks
Either rooted in fear or
Rooted in worldly ways, earthly wisdom
bad ungodly advice!

We should plan
Then bring the plan to God
And surrender the outcome to God.

Neighbours burning incense, informs that she will use common area for temporary altar.
Fear? Don't know how to respond? Trust God.

We often don' t trust that God is there with us in our situation
we often don't trust that God knows what we are going through.
We often don't trust our future with God.

Today at the communion table, invite the Holy Spirit to come upon you.
Holy Spirit show me where I seek to control.
Holy Spirit give me the ability to do a trust fall with God.