Thursday, March 26, 2015

Malachi Part4

Malachi Part 4
Benny Ho
Four phases of revival
Bible text Malachi 3:1-5
Toa Payoh Methodist Church
26 March 2015

Stevenson (author of Treasure Island)
 when young, commented to grandmother of street lamp lighter..
"Grandma come and see;
there is a man punching holes in the darkness".

Punching holes in the darkness.
That is what we should be doing.

Malachi shows us the four phases for revival
1) Preparation
2) Visitation
3) Purification
4) Reformation

1) Preparation
Prayer is the key
Welsh revival started after a faithful man prayed for 30 years

Then SUDDENLY the Spirit of God will come.
The Visitation will happen.

In revival the work of the Lord is swift, intense and accelerated.
We must be hungry for a touch of the Lord

Personal testimony of a visitation experience!

3) Purification
The baptism of refining fire
exposes our sins and deposes them.

Purification is not a destructive fire:

During revival a line is drawn in the sand:
Either you are pregnant or not pregnant.
The fence is electrified: no fence sitters.

Lord purify me
Come out  of the experience more Christlike;

4) Reformation
When the church is awakened it will reach out to touch a broken society
Church revival will influence society

England was changed after revival
Coal miners stopped profanities so much
that the coal mine donkeys did not know how to respond to their polite instructions

1) Preparation
2) Visitation
3) Purification
4) Reformation

BUT it is not a formula to follow and make God obey!
Revival is from God
we can not force a revival.
Not formulaic
Not man-centred.

Its me, its me, 
its me O Lord
Standing in the need of prayer.

Pray for revival
and understand that revival begins with you (me)

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